Body of Christ Connect

Amazing Evidence Neigborhood Groups


Amazing Evidence Neighborhood Groups can act as a follow-up strategy after conducting an Amazing Evidence Church Cell Group initiation or a stand alone program that allows any individual to conduct a Neighborhood group on their own.

The Strategy

First, you target the area you wish to impact, whether it be a neighborhood, apartment complex, etc. A very important part of achieving success in this outreach is prayer. We highly recommend that neigborhood prayer walks be held. If there are believers in your neighborhood, ask them to pray as well or even host a neighborhood gathering for this purpose.  As noted previously, one can never pray enough for the battle for souls.

Once your prayer strategy is completed, now hold a Tract-A-Thon outreach in your target area. Just to let you know, we have an invitation tract available just for this purpose, and are capable of even printing your location, directions, time and place. Just contact us in the link above.  If this is associated with your church outreach program, have your church contact us for such program availability.

Regarding the availability of The Amazing Evidence for conducting such an in-house gathering, our website will either directly offer or refer you to The Amazing Evidence book website where you should be able to download and therefore print the amount of resource material needed.  Or if you prefer, we have The Amazing Evidence book or separate chapter headings available as needed at a very reasonable price.

As stated in the page about conducting an Amazing Evidence Church Cell Group, we recommend an easy format of simply reading The Amazing Evidence book for anywhere between 1/2 – 1 hour per session. We also encourage group participation by having all members of the group read a paragraph in succession of each other. Following the reading session, a short question and answer period can be offered if desired (although not required).  Any questions that cannot be answered, again shoot us a line on the Contact Us link and we will try to provide an answer as soon as possible.

Following the study session as noted above, we encourage cell group hosts to offer a time of fellowship and prayer with the optional allowance for small snacks and beverages to be offered (cell group members would be encouraged to help with the snacks and beverages) afterwards.  However, this is all voluntary on the part of the host conducting such a group.

We need to emphasize that this outreach strategy is unique in that even if the recipient where not to come to a church event invitation, they are still receiving a message about the Truth, Way and the Life found in Jesus!  We believe just this is a very important part of this type of outreach which is what the Tract-A-Thon program revolves around. You never know when a seed about Jesus can land on good soil and grow to the size of a mustard tree.  It is imperative that our service to the Lord is to present the truth in Jesus.  It truly is the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the rest.  As the old adage goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t force him to drink.  Thankfully we’re not leading horses to water, but offering Living Water to thirsty souls!

Multiplication for Exponential Proportions

We believe the combined strategies of Tract-A-Thon and Amazing Evidence Neighborhood Group outreaches can have incredibly far reaching effects and results. Let’s use an example to explain this. Let’s say two attendees to your Amazing Evidence Cell Group were to come and want to do the same in the neighborhood they live in. And of these two groups, they can get and additional two people interested in each group? If you continue in this fashion you enter exponential growth where 2×2=4×2=8×2=16×2=32, etc.  Can you see the potential?

Amazing Evidence Tracts and More

We would like to remind you that we have available a number tracts that touch upon the subjects presented in the The Amazing Evidence book. These tracts are particuarily useful as they meant to bolster the proof for the Trinity as never before. This is especially applicable today as forces against Christianity such as atheism, false religions and everything in between is flourishing as never before. What better way can we can counter these trends but to tell people of the Truth, Way and Life? There cannot be anything more important in life than to make a decision for Jesus. The consequences are just too dire and horrific.

Amazing Evidence Neighnorhood Groups are meant to multiply the outreach for your mission efforts beyond normal expectations.  If conducted in conjuction with a church cell group program, this concept can multiply outreach to exponential levels for tremendous church growth.  However, even individuals  can establish their own outreach desires beyond church directed programs.  This could have tremendous value as the movement toward house churches gains popularity.