Body of Christ Connect

Tract-A-Thon Church Growth Strategy


What is Tract-A-Thon?

It’s an outreach strategy that’s not only inexpensive, but a very non-threatening means to impact your surrounding neighborhood (or designated target area) with the life saving message of Jesus. The goal is to invite unbelievers (atheists, agnostics, nones, etc.) to church, disciple new believers and raise up the unchurched for having them fulfill their God given purpose. In doing so, one should expect a great harvest so we can fulfill the purpose of the church. which is to finalize the Great Commission.

Essentially, we recommend a total of 3 inserts be placed in a door hanging baggy which is then distributed around neighborhoods, apartments, cars, dorms, streets or any area you can identify as a harvest field.  Each baggy contains one quick reading tract which explains the basic salvation message of Jesus (some tracts depicted to the right).  The second insert could be an invitation to your church for an event such as Christmas, Easter, VBS or any other special service your church may be holding .  Another example of a special service could be an invitation to an Amazing Evidence Presentation.  For this, we have a special invitation brochure available to distribute in your designated target area. Make sure to check the link pertaining to Amazing Evidence Presentations.  The third insert could be a prayer blessing over the household and/or an Amazing Evidence tract.  

Amazing Evidence Tracts and More

What is so unique about this outreach strategy is even if the recipient where not to come to a church event invitation, they are still receiving a message about the Truth, Way and the Life found in Jesus!  Just doing this, you have presented a powerful witness for Jesus.

We have available a number tracts that touch upon the subjects presented in the The Amazing Evidence book featuring the latest proof for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  These work in tandem with the Tract-A-Thon strategy and Amazing Evidence Presentations, meant to bolster the proof for the Trinity as never before.   In totality, these tools inflict a one-two knockout blow to atheism, polytheism and false religions like never before.  Armed with this Truth and the power of God, we can accomplish the Great Commission.

The Benefits of Tract-A-Thon over Other Tract Distribution

Nearly every person can easily become involved in Tract-A-thon without fear and feeling threatened.  First, all your doing is leaving a life saving message about Jesus on the front doors of houses, apartments, dorms, etc.  It does not require knocking on doors and/or talking with recipients face to face.  For that reason, this style of outreach is extremely well suited for those who have a fear of direct evangelism.  Also, it is especially suited for the COVID-19 issues we are dealing with today.  We believe this type of outreach can not only realize the greatest participation levels, but blanket large target areas in very short time frames.  Our experience has shown, one person can leave anywhere from 50 to 80 door hanging baggies in an hour.  This can even be greater with more congested living arrangements such as apartments, flats, dorms, etc. Just think, with a few people, your church can impact entire neighborhoods.  We cannot over-emphasize the significant number of souls that can be reached with the message of Jesus with this style of outreach.  Hence, we believe this is a wonderful tool for the local church to use for reaching out in their communities.  Of course,  we realize it’s not the only tool that can be used.  We are not attempting to promote Tract-A-Thon as the only and best way to evangelize.  But with a multi-faceted approach in evangelism, we believe you will be encouraged with your church participation while no doubt putting a big smile on Jesus’ face for your service. 

With Tract-A-Thon, 50 to 80 tract paks can be left on the front door in less than an hour to fufill the word of the Lord, “Go into the highways and byways and compel them to come in so My house may be filled.”                          Luke 14:23