Today, the evidence and proof for God, His Son and the Holy Spirit is greater than it ever has been in the history of the world. Armed with such powerful evidence, we can now tell the world that the Gospel is true. Based on the updated book, The Amazing Evidence, Amazing Evidence Presentations are available to your church on a seminar basis, whether on a corporate or group basis. Read the incredible networking concept titled, Tract-A-Thon and Amazing Evidence Networking Initiative that gives a overall view how these two outreach tools can work together to have your congregation invite the unchurched, raise up new believers and expect a harvest for renewed church growth.
The Strategy
Begin with scheduling an Amazing Evidence Presentation (AEP) at your church. Then, consider conducting a Tract-A-Thon initiative by inviting your local neighborhood to the event (we have an invitation brochure specifically geared for this). Hold the seminar and afterwards, perform an alter call. Follow-up with newly saved individuals by offering them to become involved with an Amazing Evidence Cell Group. The Cell Groups will continue going thru The Amazing Evidence book to completion while the group provides fellowship, prayer, etc. By completing The Amazing Evidence book, it will provide more truth and veracity of God’s Word to percolate in while bolstering the faith of the new believer in a very significant way. And for your church, AEP is meant to encourage and embolden you congregation so they can become more confident in their walk and witness for Jesus. Hence, a double blessing is achieved.
Amazing Evidence Tracts and More
We have available a number tracts that touch upon the subjects presented in the The Amazing Evidence book. These work in tandem with the Tract-A-Thon strategy and Amazing Evidence Presentations, meant to bolster the proof the Trinity as never before. In totality, these tools are a one-two knockout blow to atheism, polytheism and false religions like never before. Armed with this Truth and the power of God, we can accomplish the Great Commission like never before.