Body of Christ Connect

Billboard Evangelism


Why Billboards?

Because we often fail to tell the lost and unchurched about JESUS due to time constraints, fear of witnessing (usually the biggest reason), expecting others to  evangelize or lack of opportunity. fulfills this most urgent need.

The Impact?

 With a strategic plan of placing 5 billboards within a locale (east, west, north, south and center), on a surveyed average of 1.6 viewers per vehicle with 15,000 vehicles passing all five billboards daily, an estimated 120,000 individuals could be potentially exposed to the life saving name of JESUS daily.  In larger metropolitan areas, traffic counts can run as high as 100,000 cars per billboard – DAILY!  Therefore, the potential is there for 5 billboards could reach up to 840,000 souls weekly or over 43 million yearly!!!  This is truly staggering.

Cost Effectiveness?

Billboards are one of the most practical and least expensive means of mass evangelism known. For example, if we took an average billboard cost of $2,000 (cost ranges between $500 – $7,000 per board) and multiply it by 5 billboards, the cost would be $10,000 monthly. Compare this to a radio ad at $160 or TV ad upwards to $2,000 for a 30 second prime time slot. Also, consider that 30 seconds only represents 0.034% of a day whereas billboards evangelize 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lastly, billboards cannot be turned off as radio or TV can.

 For more information this and our church sponsorship program, please contact us at the “Contact Link” above or feel free to give us a call at 941.730.0716.

Body of Christ Connect  was able to sponsor a 3 month exposition of 5 billboards in the city of Tulsa, OK. 

Based on  tallied results from average traffic counts on the streets and highways where these billboards were placed, a total of 672,000 souls were impacted by the life saving name of JEUSUS.

Below are actual photos of billboards from that outreach.